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Saturn Went Retrograde, Here's What it Means:

Saturn went retrograde back on June 12th, but I’m only just now starting to feel its affects. If life seems to be headed in the direction of change and letting go – sometimes even if we don’t want to – this might be the reason why.

Saturn is the planet of duties and responsibilities.

It’s got Dad energy – a little tougher, a little more assertive, but still caring and wanting the best for you. It can affect our responsibilities, our finances, our work, our duties and roles in relationships (romantic, platonic, or familial), and can force us to take a good look at our habits, mindsets, and our goals.

For example, just this week I was forced to face how much effort I’ve been putting in at work. Could I be putting in a little more? Am I not recognizing where there is space to learn and grow, or when others might be a better expert (and a great teacher)?

During the last Saturn retrograde, my wifi mysteriously stopped working late at night mid gaming sesh; Saturn was letting me now it was time to prioritize rest and found a way to force me to sleep.

You might also be noticing where you’re giving more than taking in relationships – or the other way around. Especially for those with siblings, parents, and partners…Saturn will let you know if you’re acting like someone’s parent, and will let you know it’s time to cut that out.

It can be hard to face, uncomfortable, and bring us down for a couple days. Reflect on your energy and yourself, and see where you can make changes and where you need to surrender.

As an outer planet, these ideas and cycles may affect your life subtlety. You may have a bunch of small moments, and then a random “a-ha” moment a couple months down the line. Either that, or if you resist the calls to change you’re sensing now, Saturn will progressively get more intense and assertive as retrograde goes on.

To me, Saturn is a big lesson in recognizing you don’t always know best.

It’s best to let Saturn teach you what it needs to.

To ease this transition and retrograde, which will last until early November, here are a couple tips.

1. Journal or talk it out with a friend.

Get all of the frustration and discomfort out on a page or with a good friend – or a good run. Whatever form of release works best for you. This will help to keep these frustrations from building up, and help you be able to recognize patterns – specifically the ones the universe wants you to work on right now.

2. Make space for big brainstorming sessions

A clear notebook, digital or physical, or enough space in your voice memo’s app to just talk it out…either way, solutions don’t always come easy. Sometimes you need to try multiple versions of the same plan. Saturn is strategy. Allow yourself time and space to strategize the way you need before taking action.

Don't worry - you got this. Keep up to date with astrology and Saturn by following us on Instagram @CosmicCornerSavannah.

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