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Master List of Beltane Activities

Betlane is a festival centered around the height of spring on the Wiccan Wheel of the year, but you don’t have to be Wiccan to celebrate it. In the last ten years or so, many people have begun to celebrate these sabbats and holidays that mark the change of the seasons and celebrate nature.

For some of us, despite the holiday being about the height of spring, the peak of spring has not quite reached us. For those of you in more southern climates like Savannah, I bet the sight of new flowers and warm sunny days are making you feel like Spring had definitely settled in.

Here is a master list of ways to celebrate, free, paid, solo, and with the community.

1. Have a bonfire if you have outdoor space, invite over friends if you want to

2. Light a candle or all your candles in your house if you can’t have a bonfire – just keep candle safety in mind and don’t light them all too close to each other, attend them

3. Go for a walk and identify the flowers that have bloomed

4. Make a flower crown – this could be a good activity with kids and teenagers

5. Wear ribbons in your hair, decorate your house with colorful ribbons

6. Set up and dance around a maypole.

7. Host a clothing swap – or home décor, books, games, etc.

8. Picnic in the park + laying or sitting in the sun. Lunch on your doorstep If you can!

9. host a brunch or lunch outdoors in the sun

10. Dance – either go out dancing, dance alone in your room to upbeat spring music

11. Bake – typically something sweet and/or using herbs and flowers in season such as rosemary, violet, or mint

12. Pick or buy flowers for the house

13. Journal on spring, spring goals, what spring means to you, your favorite flower, etc.

14. Indulge in your favorite dessert

15. Ritual bath centered around flowers and blooming

16. Host a trash pick up or pick up trash on a long walk

17. Drink and share lemonade

18. Plant seeds, repot plants that need it, tend to your garden or your indoor plants – begin fertilizing if appropriate

19. Leave an offering for the fae

20. Better yet dress up like the fae

21. Watch the sunrise

22. Yoga and meditation – preferably a type that involves waking up or a bit more activity and movement, but ultimately do what feels comfortable to you

23. Donate unwanted items to charity or list them on second hand websites

24. Preform a house cleansing and/or practice practical spring cleaning

25. Flower baskets for your neighbors

26. Preform a grounding Ritual

27. Spellwork related to love, sex, passion, etc. (generally a more innocent or cutesy or true type of love, but any love spell will work)

28. Preform rituals surrounding abundance and growth and fertility (pregnancy related or not)

29. Practice divination, record your results

30. Research spring deities, the fae, or make a spring related offering to your deity of choice

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