The second Full Moon in Capricorn teeters on the edge of a new beginning and the end of old cycles

Sunday, June 21st we have a rare and mystical blue moon in Capricorn that’s bringing a heavy dose of Plutonic energy along with it. A month ago on June 21st, coinciding with the first day of Cancer season, we had our first Capricorn Full Moon in the 1st degree. Now, we have the second and final Capricorn full moon of the year taking place at the anaretic degree, which is the 29th and final degree of a sign. This is a powerful and crucial moon, and it's setting up a story that we will be working with into the future.
Blue Full Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn is the sign of the material world. It represents the themes of success, hard work, finances, structures, systems, government, authority and legacy. It represents the outer world while Cancer represents the inner world. The two full moons in Capricorn during Cancer season are playing with this dynamic between the inner and outer world. How can we find growth and maturity within ourselves so that we can have fulfillment and security reflected in our outer world? This dynamic highlights the importance of healing that this moon is bringing to our attention.
More nurturing is needed, but so is more action as well, as represented by the influence of Mars. This is essentially a moon of praxis. Praxis has multiple definitions, but I'm using it in a Hegelian sense, where it means “action oriented towards changing society.” It implies both action and reflection, to embody your beliefs and ideals, to be in a critical and thoughtful state of analysis and engagement with the world and simultaneously work in practical ways to change it for the better.
The Critical Degrees
Like all astrological phases, cycles and transits, we are being told a story through the lense of astrology. This particular story of this moon is played out through the degrees, so we need to understand what it means when we have planets in the first degree as well as the last.
The 0 degree is the first degree of a sign, so therefore it represents new beginnings and the start of a journey of evolution. The 29th degree is the final degree before a planet moves into another sign, thus closing out a journey of evolution and a karmic cycle.
The planet Mars is in harmonious aspect to this full moon, and it is in the 0 degree of Gemini. It is also sextile Neptune, which is residing in the 29th degree of Pisces. Pluto in Aquarius sits at 0 degrees, and awaits its retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn which will take place in September until November 19th before it enters Aquarius for the next 17 years.
Mars Conjunct Uranus
Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus brings instability but also ample energy to find creative and innovative new beginnings. Mars in the 0 degree is telling us that we need to start a new cycle, but the old is competing with the new in a tense standoff. We will have to face this and put our efforts into what we want to move forward with and how we want to move forward, both collectively and individually.
Mars Sextile Neptune
This aspect is bringing lots of energy and capacity to heal right now. This moon is quite intense, but it is surrounded by harmonious aspects. This means that, though it is bound to be intense and possibly a struggle, the potential to heal and grow through that tension is high. This is about what we choose, we have the determination and ability to preserve and move into resolution but we must be willing to put in the work. This entire moon exists within the structure of Capricorn, this is all about effort and hardwork. What do you believe in enough that you are willing to go through the process of hard work and slow growth to achieve?
Pluto and the US Pluto Return
This is not just about our personal lives, this full moon is setting up a larger story of the collective. This is connected to Pluto’s generational transit and the Pluto Return of the United States. Pluto at 0 degrees in Aquarius is conjunct the United States natal Pluto in Capricorn. In September Pluto will retrograde and re-enter the sign of Capricorn, where it dwelled from 2008-2022 (when it then entered Aquarius before retrograding back into Capricorn twice again, now for a third time). We want to move on into a new era, but first we have to revisit the past. This is a time of closing doors, tying up loose strings, but most importantly, healing that which we thought we had already healed. This moon is bound to reveal where we still have healing work to do. Pluto is the excavator and the great revealer of things hidden. What Pluto exposes is not usually comfortable to witness, yet it is always necessary to see. Pluto teaches us that ignoring what we don’t wish to see only allows it to grow stronger. We must confront that which we no longer want, need or desire, and then we must get to work on transforming it. All Plutonic lessons are the same: face this hideous thing, and with your raw power transform it into something that gets to exist out in the open, in the light of day without shame or fear.
Moon Conjunct Pluto
This aspect is responsible for the intensity of this moon. Expect power struggles, control issues, heightened emotions, conflict and revelations. Dreams and premonitions are activated and psychic senses strengthened. This also means that our own emotions and inner world may feel heavy or out of our control. Triggers might come up and we could find that it is revealed to us where more inner work is needed. We are in a process of maturation, collectively and individually. Capricorn is about legacy and achievement of our purpose. We are being shown what needs to change for our goals to happen. The first Capricorn full moon in the 1st degree set us up for a month-long journey of putting together puzzle pieces. We have been learning about how to invest and direct our efforts, and now that we have the final moon, the missing pieces might be coming into place.