The full moon in Cancer kicks of 2025 with harmonious aspects to Neptune and Uranus and a powerful conjuction with Mars Retrograde

The first full moon of the year arrives Monday, 13th in the sign of Cancer. This full moon marks an ending and a beginning, as the full moon symbolizes finality and culmination while the start of the year is inviting us into new cycles. The ruler of this lunation is the moon herself so she is very comfortable and powerful right now in her home sign of Cancer. As a result, we are likely to feel the sensitivity of this moon strongly but there is also a higher potential to bring healing to our emotional inner landscape. We want to be mindful of not being reactive, as the moon is also making a conjunction with Mars retrograde in Cancer so we may be feeling emotionally impulsive. Yet, the things that we struggled with a few months ago while Mars took its first trek into Cancer and then into Leo, will feel easier to revisit and things that didn't The past is getting revisited yet our perspective on it has likely changed and therefor, healing and resolution can be facilitated through this full moon.
Mars RX in Cancer
The biggest aspect this full moon is making is its conjunction with Mars which has been retrograde since Dec 6th. The retrograde is an optical illusion of the planet spinning backwards; what it tells us is that the things coming up now are a revisitation of the past from a new perspective. Mars is not actually traveling backwards, it simply appears so, which is the main message of any retrograde – our perspective must change to see things that we thought we knew in a totally different light. Retrogrades can be major breakthrough points because of this and can even bring major healing and resolution. Mars is revisiting what we experienced last October so we are getting another shot at these things and we are asked to see them with an open mind. Conflicts have a greater chance to be resolved with the assistance of the moon, but be mindful that before there can be resolution there may first be a reopening of the conflict or tension that previously existed, so don't get stuck in the trigger make sure to move through the emotions to get to the closure.
Sextile Uranus and Trine Neptune
This moon is supported by two harmonious aspects to the other planets. There is a sextile with change marker, rebel Uranus (also changing signs later this year) and a trine with Neptune which will move into Aries at the end of March. This is bringing the collective into the lunation and we are being shown pathways that may be supportive for the year to come, as well as illumination into what is being let go of. This is a very watery and sensitive moon, yet it doesn't feel strictly emotional and that I believe is due to the influence of the outer planets and Mars RX. This is imbuing a productive, action oriented energy to help us move through the emotions that come up and use them for our most productive benefit. Sometimes the full moon in Cancer can feel like a pity party, but that is not the energy this full moon wants to bring to you. It wants you lit up, empowered, inspired and maybe a little pissed off. Maybe feeling a little lost and unsure but moving ahead regardless, tuning into the intelligence of your heart and the wisdom of your intuition to guide you. Knowing, no matter how alone we may feel, we are all here in this moment together.
Changing of the Nodes of Destiny
On January 11th, (1/11) the nodes of destiny officially changed signs. Last September we got a sneak peak into what this nodal cycle will hold for us individually and collectively, and now they have permanently moved into Pisces and Virgo where they will stay for the next 18 months. The north node in Pisces is urging us closer to more compassion, spirituality and sensitivity, whereas the collective is moving away from the Virgo archetype of logic, systems and concrete earthly based rationality. Pisces is chaos straight from the creative essence of the Universe, whereas Virgo organizes and categorizes that which is chaotic or overwhelming. We have a chance to embrace a more imaginative and idealistic approach to our world and society, however we should be mindful not to get lost in the realm of the “unreal” so much so that we forget to come back to earth and utilize what we have dreamed up. The added sensitivity in the collective could see people’s hearts open for the suffering of each other and could unite within us all a sense of unity and togetherness as a human race. The interesting thing about the north node, the direction in which we are meant to be moving, switching into Pisces during the same year Neptune will move out of Pisces and into Aries. So, in many ways even though we are getting the message of moving down a more spiritual and compassionate path, the planet of compassion and spirituality is moving away from Pisces and into self-oriented, individual Aries. The collective is likely to move away from their interest in the esoteric in the way that spirituality entered the mainstream while Neptune was in Pisces for the past 13 years and the focus is now being brought to the individual and the individual’s unique spiritual path. Hopefully with the greater cycle of this in the background, we can utilize the next 18 months that the nodes are in Pisces/Virgo to not get lost in spiritual dogma but instead to open our hearts to the true essence of spirituality – unconditional love and sacred service towards one another, ourselves and our world.
Full Moon in Cancer - RECAP
The full moon in Cancer is giving us a moment to look deep within our emotional self and to heal the things that emerge in that dark space. Mars is guiding our attention to what we must work with at this time. The wisdom of this moon is pushing us closer into our own power and into our own self-trust. Cancer is a sign whose destiny is to be always, never endingly, courageous in the face of a world and a life that is utterly terrifying. Cancer has been backed into the flames time and time again, and she has been reborn stronger and more tender each time. Cancer will always do what needs to be done, and she will likely be afraid the whole time yet never relent. This is the archetype of the Guardian, the Protector, the Mother Bear. She teaches us that fear is just another emotion to learn from, not a limitation to bend to. We can be afraid and we can still do Lean into her watery strength, find her reflection within you and hold tight to the inner structure you find that is carrying you through each and every moment. Cancer gets to feel everything because she has an inner stability that can not be moved or shaken. She has journeyed into the deepest parts of her fear and her bravery so many times that nothing can convince her that she is less than capable of anything. Emotions are power, they are a place to draw strength, resilience and wisdom from. We don’t need to get lost in their intensity, we can channel it into something real, something meaningful and something that works to support the inner wellbeing of people. What guidance is your emotions sharing with you now? As the moon hangs high and full in the sky, what is she illuminating within you?