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Flower Moon: Auspicious Full Moon in Lucky Sagittarius 

One of the best moons for manifesting begins today

Astrology full moon Sagittarius flower moon
Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius

The full moon begins on Thursday, May 23 in the sign of Sagittarius where it will dwell for the next couple days. This is a truly beautiful full moon with many auspicious and generous aspects taking place making this a powerful moment for growth, release and upgrades in our relationships, beliefs, and the area in our personal chart ruled by Sagittarius. We are in the early days of Gemini season which began on May 20th, so the time for celebration and fun is officially upon us and we are kicking it off with one of the best full moons we could have. 

Jupiter and Venus Conjunction 

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that lately Jupiter has been doing the most, and this moon is no exception. Not only is Jupiter the ruling planet of Sagittarius, making it the ruling planet of this moon, but transit Jupiter is making some big moves in our sky right now. The most significant and exciting is the Venus Jupiter conjunction that is taking place today, at the start of the full moon. Until later this evening, Jupiter and Venus will be in an exact conjunction at the 29th degree in the sign of Taurus. Later this evening Venus will move into the sign of Gemini, where our relationships will take on a more playful and inquisitive nature, inviting us to communicate more and give into our dynamic impulses. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus gives us an extra boost of luck, miracles and growth as it pertains to our relationships, artistic endeavors and matters of abundance. All of this is directly connected to this full moon, as the full moon in Sagittarius is making an opposition to the Jupiter Venus conjunction. 

Release and Growth 

We can expect closure and release during this moon, particularly as it pertains to relationships and our values. We are being given a powerful opportunity to come deeper into alignment, and due to the nature of Sagittarius and Jupiter, in order to do so a change and expansion of our beliefs and faith are probably necessary. Sagittarius is a risk taker, and with benevolent Jupiter on its side, these risks usually pay off. We are being asked to take a chance, to put our faith into some higher power and take a leap into the unknown. Growth, opportunities and spiritual evolution await on the other side, and though we may not know exactly where it is that we are going, this full moon will probably shed some illumination on what it's important to know for that journey. Gemini and Sagittarius is all about information, knowledge and wisdom, so these themes will emerge in the area in your chart where this full moon is taking place. A perspective shift may be in order, in which case allow yourself to move mutubly with the new information you receive and don’t get stuck in previously held conceptions. 

Neptune’s Influence 

This moon is also influenced by a Jupiter Neptune sextile, as well as a Venus Neptune sexile. This is bringing more unconditional love into our lives as well as spirituality and magic. All in all, this is a highly magical moon and is a great one for manifesting.

Jupiter enters Gemini

Lastly, Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th where it will stay until June 9th, 2025, bringing more excitement, social activity and friendships to our lives. The same day, Venus will trine with Pluto, giving our love life a boost and giving us an opportunity to deepen into our values and to find some sort of natural transformation in those areas. 

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